Excel based Daily Drilling Report is a user friendly reporting system and is logically laid out and linked to all drilling operations, this is very simple to use and very comprehensive which covers all daily operational costs, hydraulics results and full reporting for mud data, mud logging data, formation data, bit record database, supervision, for offshore rigs the report includes anchor tensions, weather report, people on board. consumables data. Once the report is completed the daily report can be emailed from within the program and also printed, exported and save to a local rig file. The latest version now includes all daily drilling costs.
Excel based Daily Drilling Report covers all of the following
- Reporting system
- Pump outputs for up to 4 pumps
- Casing and liners
- Drill Pipe
- Heavy Weight Drill pipe
- Drill Collars
- Full Bottom Hole assembly
- Mud Motor data
- Directional Drilling Data
- Survey Data
- Daily Well Cost
- Accumulates cost
- Consumable record for both Land and Offshore rigs
- Mud loggers data
- Hydraulics
- Bit record
- Mud data
- Formation data
- Directional Survey
- Mud parameters
- Onshore Offshore Application
- Full API style Daily Drilling Report Email directly to the Office
- BOP Drills
- People on Board
Excel based Daily Drilling Report is also part of DrillPro View the quick video
The software runs on all versions of Excel from 2010 upwards
You can Purchase the full Drilling Report from this link