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Easy to use programs for Microsoft Excel

New reduced prices. Easy to use programs for Microsoft Excel. Drilling Engineering, Well Planing, Casing Design, Completions, Rig Maintenance, Daily drilling programs, Workover Software and Service rig software, All these programs are ready to run on Windows PCs and Microsoft Office built for the Excel platform

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Drilling Engineer

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Well Plan into Casing Design with

Drilling Engineer

See how easy it is to integrate

Tri-Axial Casing Design features both Bi-Axial and Tri-Axial calculations

Checkout these new features

Bi-Axial calculations are based on the working stress throughout the casing string. Tri-Axial calculations are based on the maximum Dog Leg Severity from Well Head to Casing Shoe, The user also has the option to select any measured point between two measured depths which will indicate the maximum DLS between the two depths

Liners and Summary

Casing Design now includes a new summary function you can add your casing section to the summary as you build your design.

Checkout these new features

Well Plan 4

Mining and Mineral Exploration

Mining and mineral exploration

Mining and mineral exploration based on Slant Rigs and mining for minerals and formation investigation searching for valued minerals, the initial slant well profile is the main trajectory using Oilfield 90° as the 0° zero degrees. The program takes into consideration the minimum curvature and calculates Dog Leg Severity over the full well bore. In Addition, up to 4 Side Tracks can be planned from the original Planned slant trajectory. More info

Mineral Mining and Exploration

Planned trajectory plus multiple planned plots

Selected plot becomes the planned trajectory and can then be compared with the actual drilled trajectory

HDD Trenchless Technology Planning for River Crossings. Hydro Water Course, urban utilities bore holes and tunnelling

An introduction to Trenchless Technology

Slant Rig, River Crossings, Trenchless Technology

Hydro Power Water Courses

Mining, Boring Under City Streets

Civil Engineering Projects, Tunneling

Tool Face Calcs,Effective Tool Face, Project to bit, Project ahead

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The complete Flange Reference Program

Flange reference Reference for all oil well faaaalanges

The Electronic Flange Slide Rule replaces the old Cameron cardboard slide rule

Well Head Flanges, drilling spools, braden head, flange sizes, pressure rating, number of bolt and make up torque, Ring Gasket number

Flange Reference replacing the old cardboard slide rule. Select API or Metric dimensions, you can select any size from 30″ 2M to 1-13/16 10M all the data is available , Wrench size, Makeup Torque, Ring Size, Ring Gasket rating, R, RX, BX etc. Lookup which ring gasket fits which flange, including hub sizes clamps and ring sizes More info

Well Control

Well Control is free with DrillPro. Buy DrillPro and get Well Control Free

Well Control Kick Sheet Calculations

All the standard industry well control methods. Drillers method, Wait and weight, Stripping in, Concurrent method, Volumetric method

Choke and Kill Line friction pressure. BOP closing times and accumulator volumes

Vertical or horizontal, Onshore Offshore

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Daily Drilling Report

Daily Drilling Report

The Daily Drilling Report covers all daily drilling operations including Daily Drilling Costs

Full reporting for mud data, mud logging data, formation data, bit record database
BOP and Trip Drills
A Generic report for both Onshore and Offshore drilling data

The latest version now includes a linked daily cost report Download a trial version from here

Well Head and completion graphics

Well Head and Cokmpletions graphics

Finish up your final well completion report with hi-resolution well head graphics giving you a professional completion schematic with all the chokes, flanges valves etc from the braden head to the pickup thread

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